Before you think, oh not boring weather talk again, I have to tell you, TN weather is anything but boring.
Yesterday, after a hard pounding deluge all day, temps went from 40s to almost 60 at one point overnight, down to 30s and 20s by this morning. Last night the winds picked up so high that it was howling louder than the coyotes, across our porch and under our front door. It sounded like a horror movie. It’s a wonder trees aren’t down in our yard. Arctic air is moving in behind a departing cold front, isn’t that pleasant-sounding? There are black ice warnings out after the heavy rain.
So of course we’re thinking, isn’t it supposed to be a little warmer down here? Didn’t we move down here to escape the cold? Well, as always, weather is relative. It’s positively balmy here, compared to the whole north, which appears to be buried under snow and ice.
For example, Fairborn, Ohio, where we came from, is under a snow emergency, with power outages; the temp this morning was 5°! And headed for a big high of 12° and low of–wait for it–minus 12°!! I believe some records are being broken. Whereas here, it will be around 16° tonight. So that does put things into some perspective. Though still not very comforting.
But being the prepared oldsters that we are, we had already procured last minute supplies yesterday, and hunkered down. Don’t tell anyone, we actually patronized the competition, Home Depot! E worked on some finishing details to the bookshelves, pictured below. Happily, my two seed orders arrived [cue patriotic band music], as did E’s kitchen light fixtures, so our respective work is cut out for us.
If you’ve made it this far, you’re a diehard follower, I have to hand it to you! Hey, it could be worse–I could be ranting about that idiot-in-chief, so extreme weather commentary should provide an amusing diversion.