Despite national news becoming more alarming all the time, we try to seize onto any promising shred of evidence against these criminals in power, and the hope that justice will win out. This current America is despicable and unrecognizable.
Seeking and receiving asylum is not illegal; it’s the basic constitutional right that many of our own ancestors depended upon to escape horrors and start a new life. Sadly, it was not extended to the original native Americans who were here first, or the millions of slaves, here against their will, who helped build this country.
Now it’s being denied to honest, hard-working Latino families desperately seeking what all humans need. Our economy runs because of the underpaid, hard work of immigrants like them. Now our own federal workforce and our very security are threatened because an irrational toddler demands a stupid wall to keep people out. We have all witnessed how well walls like Berlin or Israel worked out. They tear families apart, destroy economies, and even affect nature itself.
It’s hard to stay patriotic in an atmosphere of such ignorance and arrogance, but we have to hold out for the better angels of our nature [Lincoln]. This level of depravity is not sustainable. Every fascist regime eventually falls, when the burden of unspeakable crimes against humanity becomes too much to bear. Unfortunately, some people never snap out of their complacency until it affects their bottom line. But we have to believe that exposing the facts and evidence, and resisting surrender, will win out in the end.
Rant over. It’s weird not having my son over for erev, but he’s working hard, and we’re carrying on. Misu is hard at work lounging around after her ordeal. E is busily installing things. I’m, well, attempting to write stuff. Life goes on.