I can’t even begin to describe how fabulous my birthday was, thanks to my son Avdi and his visiting friend Jess, who went above and beyond to make it memorable. He’s been showing her around Knoxville, so I was glad I could give them more of an excuse to check out new places.
E and I met them downtown and convened at Chivo, a wonderful Mexican fusion taco place and tequila/whiskey bar, where we sampled a flight of Mescal. My granddaughter D and her friend V joined us there for the most incredible tacos ever. I finally got my fish taco!

Next we crossed the street to Suttree’s High Gravity Tavern, a very old establishment, where we had some very good craft beers. Avdi even talked me into playing one of the pinball machines in the game room, Guardians of the Galaxy, my fav, which was lots of fun.

The grand finale on our tour was the Peter Kern Library, the authentic prohibition era speakeasy, with all the atmosphere, and exquisitely handcrafted cocktails, where we lounged for a while.

Finally, we all met back at our place for E’s really good birthday cake and ice cream, and my gifts from Avdi and Jess. Here they really outdid themselves, as if the evening wasn’t incredible enough. They gave me a really unique locally crafted gin by postmodern spirits, and a fine Glenmorangie single malt scotch. Of course we sampled them.

I feel very privileged and honored to have a son like Avdi, and happy to see him happy for a change. The best gift of all is having him around, and knowing he feels welcome and at home with us, and comfortable bringing his friends over and being themselves.