Seder Replay

It’s not only erev, but nearing the end of Pesach.  Since my son didn’t get to celebrate it while in PA, we did a very abbreviated light-hearted seder, with all the traditional Ashkenazic fixings.  Not least was the quite drunken by now but even more superior charoset I saved for him.

He also worked in the office and on the porch, and even got some exercise in, it being a beautiful cool breezy day.  The rest of the south got tornadoes and other horrid weather, which went around us and continued on toward the northeast, as it tends to do a lot lately.  If nothing else, TN is like a storm oasis, albeit an unpredictable one.

Also unpredictable were all the colors of irises that turned up this year, out of nowhere.  You can never have too many irises.  Or photos of them.  Or photos of Misu doing funny cat things.  Or more of same flowers.  Here are some now.



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