Mother’s Day as an artificial commercial construct aside, mine was pretty nice. I appreciate it all the more, knowing my close relatives and friends don’t all have the luxury of having a mother anymore, whether gone, estranged, or zombified. (Mine is the latter.) Moreover, for now I have the privilege of living near my son, and enjoying just hanging out together over beers. For me, that’s the best M-Day I could wish for. No frills, just seizing the moment while you can. I feel very fortunate (and proud, of course).
Unfortunately, the favorite hangout we had planned to meet at had, um, suddenly disintegrated?! That is, its entire brick façade fell off! It looked like the scene of a tornado or earthquake. Probably the heavy rainstorms, just tapering off as we convened, had played a part. So bizarre.
Slightly daunted but not deterred, we walked down the street to another hangout, got yummy snacks and beers, and then took a walk through the beautiful Maryville Greenway along Pistol Creek.
The stream was high and rushing after all the rain (we got over two inches in one day, then more), and there was an incredible array of critters. We saw many turtles (painted and snapping?) basking and swimming, a couple of Canada geese with like a dozen adorable goslings, swimming in a long line and grazing on the bank, a group of tame wild ducks (mallards?) just hanging around, a large long-legged black water bird similar to a heron or egret (cormorant?) fishing, and a muskrat (!) swimming down the river. The honeysuckle and other flowers were fragrant in the misty air. All in all, a pleasant time. Thanks, Avdi!