Our monsoon continues, and the garden is thriving. My son spent the day and night, so that’s always a bonus, one which I do not take for granted. As with gardens and meadows, which are always dynamic, evolving, and ephemeral, I treasure each brief moment while it lasts.
Speaking of meadows, yesterday Misu guided Avdi and me on several turns around the property, including my makeshift boardwalk through the “prairie”, which is finally starting to take off with all the rain.
Early this morning, out of the corner of my eye, I think I saw several ravens on the deck, where I have bird food and water. They flew off like silent ghosts, but I believe it’s our resident family group moving in closer. My evil plan is working!
Soon after, “Joey” the cat reclaimed “his” deck, while Misu lounged on her porch, keeping a wary eye out. Then she discovered him on Her Majesty’s turf, and they set about their typical growly standoff. It’s obvious they like each other.
Meanwhile, other life forms enjoyed the wet world, including all these mushrooms. A good sign.