These may not be earth-shattering firsts, but they’re exciting to me.
First, early this morning, what I believe to be the same young possum, only slightly larger, revisited the compost corner, where it calmly drank water out of the pond liner and old tire I have for that purpose, while I snapped photos. Also, the ravens are starting to move in even closer to the house, though they’re still too elusive to photograph. My evil plan at work!

Later, I stuffed ripe blackberries in my mouth while taking pictures of immature wild grapes, all of which cover the back fence. This year there’s quite a crop.

Here is the first chamomile flower, the first baby zucchini, a new phlox, lots of pollinators on the leek globes, and lots more.

And last but not first, here is Misu the fierce jungle stalker, energy-saving every chance she gets.