Only Hort/Bot geeks will truly appreciate my latest fun fact, which is: did you know, the wild blue chicory flowers (Mediterranean origins) that grow along roads, the chicory roots that are ground up for a coffee substitute, the salad greens called chicory, the Belgian/French endive, and red endive also known as radicchio (this:) ,
are all in the same family? Ok, maybe y’all knew that, but I just discovered it by accident. Blue flowers, identical to the roadside weeds, were growing on the radicchio stalks, and upon researching them, I found out all the above.
While I have you captivated (?), here are more okra shots (again, boring, but exotic to me), a sweet banana pepper, and more purple pole beans. The latter are normal size; that’s how long these okra got, by comparison.
Which leads me to my other fun fact of the day–the humble okra and this tropical hibiscus are both in the same family, which also includes hollyhock, mallows, rose of sharon, and perennial hibiscus, among many diverse others. I think they’re all beautiful and exotic in their own way.