The good news is, I was able to grow some corn this year. The less good news is, all the immature ears are getting eaten by critters before we can try any. The varmints actually have the audacity to set them on E’s bench and have a picnic, practically under our noses! I’m glad I can provide free corn to the ‘hood. Apparently it was delicious.
On the other hand, nobody seems to want all the okra I seem to be able to grow. The stuff can’t be stopped! I turn my back for a minute and it’s huge. It must be happy to see me. Whereas the easiest thing in the world to grow, zucchini and other squash, won’t produce this year. It flowers profusely, then nothing. This soil must be toxic. I have to work on that.
Still, there are always flowers. And I get tomatoes every day. Even an occasional pepper. All things considered, not too shabby.