I’m pretty speechless, and it’s all been said elsewhere anyway. A mass shooting per day is one too many, but I’ll just say this one in Dayton, Ohio comes closer to home–E’s home for decades, and mine for years. We have friends there. You have to be cold and stupid not to see our racist gun culture has been allowed to go too far, with Trump and his mob fanning the flames of violence. I’ll just leave it there.
It seems thoughtless to post mundane life-as-usual photos when the world is disintegrating around you, but here and there life does go on. Today I installed a better boardwalk down the middle of the meadow, snaking around wildflowers and trees. I think I saw a monarch, finally! Then E mowed. It was none too soon, because suddenly the sky opened up with thunder and heavy sheets of rain. The field is now like a wetland.