One of the main reasons for this trip (other than E’s birthday) was to visit E’s son’s grave. As I’ve mentioned, he would have been about my son’s age now. So this day began on that sad but necessary note.
Then it was on to happier old stomping grounds…John Bryan State Park. This time the old bridge was completely shut down for long-overdue repairs (or replacement), so our traditional loop was cut off, and our time there cut short. There too we could see effects of the drought.
Next we grabbed lunch at Young’s Dairy, and fed the goats. Their Jersey cows were all lined up for milking.
Nearby was the picturesque and friendly Stoney Creek Garden Center, where we browsed around their new-to-us tropicals gift shop and grounds.
Then off to town, where no visit is complete without stopping in to the Tibetan Bazaar, prime birthday gift territory. We continued to check out some of the newer artsy shops (and cats). Our iconic girl was still holding down the sidewalk.
Of course all that window-shopping worked up a thirst, i.e. an excuse to hang out at the Tavern. Sam was working, and made sure we were well taken care of. You can see I was lining them up! She introduced me to Crabbies Scottish raspberry ginger beer, perfect on a hot day. She threw in some freebies as well!
Then it was off to Fairborn for one of the highlights of our trip, a visit with our friends Ron and Steve (and Toto the dog). On the way we stopped at Koogler Wetland/Prairie Reserve with its masses of yellow wildflowers.
We spent a very pleasant evening talking and catching up. Even with all the medical and other setbacks they’ve suffered, they maintain their sense of humor and warm hospitality.
Thus ends Day 3. One more to go…