Just some random footnotes…my cat nephew Slinky, whom I never got to meet, is dead. He adopted my brother and B-I-L just as Misu adopted us, and it was a close relationship. I can understand what a loss it would be. 🙁
I forgot to mention in my YS saga that I finally got to meet Dave Chapelle, who lives in YS and owns much of it. He’s just a regular nice guy who hangs out in local shops like the Emporium for coffee, which is where we ran into him. It’s such a normal, uneventful occurrence in YS that I forgot all about it. I don’t normally have names to drop, so that was the only unusual part of it. I acted like a typical dork, and shook his hand! Go me.
It actually rained (?!) yesterday, if you can call it that. Then it was dense fog this morning and millions of birds and critters foraging. Now back to the heat wave. Of course I grilled chicken for erev. This is getting beyond old. And my son’s been away on business/personal for what seems like a month, so I miss him, but I know it’s what he needs.
High Holy Days are almost upon us. I don’t do much about it, except try to make things a bit more festive. If g-d existed, s/he’d be pretty pissed at me. I don’t miss organized religion even a bit. But I like the excuse to pick more flowers and try to get more creative (?) in the kitchen. Oh, and drink religiously!