95: the New 75

No one can tell me prolonged periods of unseasonal drought and heat twenty degrees above the average, going into early October, is just a random fluke of nature.  This week it’s forecast to be 95º when the average down here is 75º this time of year.  Even established drought-tolerant native trees and plants may be in trouble with months of no rain, which in turn adversely affects all the species that depend on them for survival.  And it’s not just here in the south, it’s the same up and down the northeast, midatlantic, midwest, and plains.

Only someone misinformed or deceived would remain unconcerned about this and many other unusual extreme climate trends.  I know I’m preaching to the choir (or more likely just myself), but it needs to be said.

On that optimistic note, shanah tovah!  Today’s menu includes grilled Middle Eastern turkey kofta kebabs with lots of aromatic spices and fresh herbs, acorn and homegrown butternut squash, sliced and spiced and also grilled, pearl couscous, and all the leftovers from yesterday’s meal.  I think I outdid myself.  All that’s missing is my son.

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