We’re still in the mid-to-high 90s this week, feels like 100° +. But then this weekend it’s supposed to suddenly drop 10°, then another sudden >10º drop right after that. So in a matter of days it will go from 97 to 88 to 72! Then climb back up in the 80s for a while. The average for this time of year down here is low 70s. What a roller coaster. But what’s this?! Do I see a hint of rain in the forecast? No, it must be a mirage. I dimly remember rain.
It being so hot on Day 2 of RH, of course I grilled chicken outside, with a Middle Eastern rub. The rest was leftovers in the same theme. For some reason it always feels more natural to me to cook Sephardic style, not Ashkenazic. It’s where I feel at home. Same with music–Arabic/Persian/Indian music feels much more familiar and comfortable to me. It’s like I skipped the whole Eastern European chapter of history and came straight from the Middle East to here. Don’t ask me why. I do prefer heat to cold, so I guess that worked out.
It’s getting really challenging to find anything to photograph…I know right?! It’s so hot and dry out, leaves are skipping the turning colors part and just turning brown and falling. It feels like a desert. A photo-desert. But I scrounged up a few random shots. Here’s Misu being cute in her latest box, up on the file cabinet behind the printer. And this is as close as it gets to autumny colors.