Whatever weird thing attacked me the other day, and left as mysteriously as it had come, I’ll never know, but I’m still not out from under its influence. I feel exhausted, slightly confused, and just not quite right. I literally lost a day and am still catching up. I hope it never revisits. I’m so thankful for the presence, patience, and assistance of my brother, B-I-L, son, and E during that inopportune timing. Somehow they bore with me when I suddenly became a helpless zombie. It was like a living wake.
Happily, it’s raining, with more to come, while still in the 50s/60s out. The leaves are seriously falling or fallen now. I’m glad I live in a place where leaves are allowed to rest in place and improve the natural environment. I’m also thankful for a quiet, non-eventful upcoming turkey day, the very best kind. I’m a little sad my dwindling family won’t be in-state for it, but they have their own families to be with, as it should be. Some folks don’t have any such thing, as we know only too well.