When national/world news keeps degenerating deeper and more dystopian by the minute, what do I turn to for hope? The plant world, of course!! That is, as long as it’s allowed to exist. It’s not looking good for this earth, unless we get this depraved lunatic out. But in the meantime, back to more mundane, manageable matters.
I’m really grasping for photo subjects. I think this year’s horticultural goal will be to plant more to include winter/wildlife interest. This place is so bare and unnatural in winter. And we don’t get out much, so this is it. The challenge is to find more in less. There’s always a new angle. So here’s yet another view of the kitchen window! With a new pet hyacinth! Like I said, grasping.
Now that the junkies are out next door, and the landlord is busy dealing with all the damage and crap they left behind, we can finally begin to venture outside in our own yard without a delinquent audience. That event right there got the year off to a much better start. I can visit my baby trees without navigating around lurching drug dealers and their dog crap. E can walk around the yard without starers and stalkers. Sometimes just the absence of something is a really big deal. You think it can’t happen, and then it does.
Just imagine the joyful day when trump is gone. Just getting back to normality will be a huge relief. For now, you just breathe in each tiny personal victory as it comes, and don’t lose all hope. Then, if spring returns again, and you live to see it, that’s a big bonus!