As threatened, I tweaked my new garden border some more, this time to enclose both trees. Definitely a work-in-progress. I also hoed weeds along some of the widened beds.

E has finished painting the new ceiling and installing a new light and other fixtures. Next she has lots of tweaking of her own to do to complete the bathroom.

My most daunting task, to weed-whip the masses of invasive vine honeysuckle taking over the “prairie”, proved to be not so hard after all. There’s still a lot to be whacked, but it’s not so overwhelming now. While at it, I discovered four more cedars out there.
I inspected my little trees out on the lawn, and they appear to have survived the strange winter.
Here are maples and dogwoods budding out against the sky. Besides daffodils blooming, the grape hyacinth has started.

I forgot to mention one more sign of an early spring–frogs are peeping in roadside puddles, and you can just make out spring peepers singing in the distance. I know right?!
In fact, while working outside all morning and afternoon, I could have sworn it was April, not February.