I guess the weirdest thing about being this old is, my own mother hasn’t remembered my birthday in years. She has Alzheimer’s. She barely knows who I am. This is a woman who was OCD about remembering occasions and regularly sending cards and letters. Family birthdays were big events.
Don’t take this the wrong way, but no one should live that long. If I ever don’t remember my son or his birthday, please shoot me. Avdi, if you’re reading this, please know that somewhere in my brain I’ll always know and love you, even if it doesn’t show! Make a note!
I know there are people out there whose families have turned on them or were never there for them in the first place, whose birthdays go unnoticed for the most part. I know that can be sadder than losing family members to dementia or even death. I know I have it good, because I still have a few (dwindling, but some) family and friends who haven’t forgotten me. I feel like I don’t deserve them, because I wasn’t always there for them, and still they come through for me. I am not worthy!
Ok, that’s enough sniveling from me! I’ll just say, find and keep around you the few people who are like true family, and never take them for granted. It will be worth it to you later in life. And a Happy Birthday to anyone who has been overlooked.