My birthday was made complete by Avdi dropping by again, in between other engagements, to hang out, rest up, and change into dancing clothes. He generously brought me a birthday bottle of Glenmorangie Scotch, which we enjoyed together. Here he is, posing for me in his finery.
I also got to talk to my brother Robert, and together we solved the mystery of the vanishing See’s candy package! It turned out to have been mis-delivered to the porch of the empty house next door, despite quite clear house numbers, where it sat for a week in the rain. So typical of here. No harm done, though. So we had excellent scotch and chocolates.
Last but not least, my Annie’s veg seeds arrived just in time, which made me happy. Next up–germinating transplants.
All in all, a very fine birthday. I am fortunate.
Here are crocuses gone wild in all their finery, trying to outdo Avdi’s.