I figured out something about living with climate change in Knoxville–anything after my birthday in mid February can be considered early spring for garden prep purposes. At least if the large drifts of crocuses and daffodils spreading all over the garden, or the warm days of springlike rain, are any indication.
Thus, I’ve begun widening and re-edging the garden beds, in the process narrowing grass paths to decrease lawn area. I’m creating a memory garden for E under “her” maple tree, to eventually be filled with her favorite tulips and perennial flowers. The other widened areas will also naturalize with early spring bulb flowers, herbs, and later natives and perennial color. This is just the beginning of the project.
Today, I went out in the rain and realigned the property line between us and the empty house with stakes and twine. Later on I’ll fill it in with more stakes and wire or mesh, and plant flowering vines on it to create a natural screen. The landlord has been showing his house to people, so I’m establishing our boundaries ahead this time.
Very soon, I’ll be setting up my flats for germinating veg transplants, like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, under my new grow-lights. So you see, it may as well be spring.
For a few days, E has been busily installing new tongue-and-groove beaded cedar planks on the bathroom ceiling, and then painting them. Here’s the first stage. It already looks a whole lot better in there.
Throughout all this bustle, Misu is diligently supervising operations from the comfort of her rug throne on the washer, or new box in my office. She’s always bemused by these weird humans constantly altering their surroundings.