It’s 62º and heading up to 71º, on this early February day. Crocuses and others are taking over the yard. Bees are already out pollinating. Misu is busily hibernating as usual. Myself, I’m not quite sure what to do! Meanwhile, my son is speeding above the clouds toward S. Africa. And the senate is probably getting ready to acquit the most corrupt, depraved, dysfunctional president in our history. Just a normal day…
Monthly Archives: February 2020
Punxy Phil Rules
I think I missed my calling as a Spring Prognosticator, because I could have called this. Phil has nothing on me. Spring is even early for the south. It’s crazy to think it’s snowing and freezing elsewhere, while crocuses have been blooming down here for a week, and daffodils are not long behind. It’s going to be a spring flower explosion. And now back to hibernating.
In other news, the shower doors are now back. It won’t be long until my next shower, needed or not. Just a few more tweaks remain.
My son is off to Cape Town, S. Africa for a business conf. I wish him much success (and safe return). The globe is so interconnected now, in a way he might as well be in the next county, but somehow the African continent (or Australian, for that matter) still feels like the other side of the world to me.
I’ve gone all maternal in my old age, I guess. Maybe it’s my karma, biting me back. I’m just happy for him that he’s been able to turn extreme misfortune around 180º and make it work for him early enough to restart and redirect his true trajectory in life. Not all of us have the strength or guts (or opportunity) to do that. I have to admire his.