Flower Pandemic

Well, Super Tuesday is behind us (TN being one of the ST primary states) and it seems we, along with many other states, jumped on the Biden bandwagon.  It’s mostly down to Biden vs. Sanders now.  Whoever wins the eventual candidacy must be able to defeat the trump-virus.  Our world literally depends on it.  It’s a trepidatious time.

My anxiety therapy, as always, is gardening, working at making our surroundings more natural and wildlife-sustainable.  Just yesterday, E spotted what had to be a gray fox, the first we’ve noticed here, right outside the back door.  Hawks keep making themselves at home in nearby trees, despite being harassed and pestered by our resident ravens.  It seems like a minor thing, but every new species we attract here is a small victory.

To that end, I’m working on turning various areas into appropriate habitats.  I’m laying down down cardboard around E’s trees, onto which I will pour amendments and mulch, in order to turn it into a raised shade perennial garden.  I’ll eventually do similar installations around the yard, with grass paths through them.

Meanwhile, spring bulb flowers continue to run riot everywhere.  I’m hoping some of my native wildflowers manage to come up this year.  I anticipate a flower pandemic one of these days.  You have to have something to hope for, however insignificant.

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