Isn’t it ironic that both trump and coronavirus show up in Tennessee at the same time?
I doubt he’s here to assist and reassure people after the deadly Nashville tornado of days ago. As with everything, he’s so clueless and ineffectual in dealing with this pandemic, he’s just flailing around looking for ways to distract and misdirect the public away from his failures and corruption. And where better to find sympathizers than in one of the most backward states in the nation, where the civil war is still alive and well.
This moron-in-chief wants to take us all the way back to medieval times, his idea of keeping us “great” I guess. Because we know how “great” it was in the good old days of the plague, crusades, inquisition, racism, ignorance, feudalism, perversions, and other fun institutions that he emulates. He is a deadly virus.
Appropriately, I’ve duly dosed the house with burning sage, to the point I practically smoked us out! Out, Out, evil trump-virus! It’s about all I can do, other than the prescribed commonsense precautions, and kissing our collective ass goodbye.
Please, please, just hold your nose and vote for anyone running against trump. Don’t be a pompous ass–just VOTE. The world will thank you by not being destroyed by stupidity. OK, rant over for now.
Here is a dramatic sky from this morning. It hasn’t fallen yet, so there is that. Happy erev.