Carrying on During World Meltdowns

That’s just a loaded way of saying, life has to go on, even as the pandemic (now officially) takes over the globe, and world markets are plunging to scary new lows.  All you can do is take commonsense hygiene precautions– and stop hogging all the TP!  Also ignore trump/pence as best you can.  They have nothing coherent or competent to add to the situation.  (And of course kiss your ass goodby, etc., etc.)

In that vein, yesterday I continued to work hard outside, improving and creating gardens.  I planted a lot of cool-weather veggies in the veg garden, then realized that bed is over half-filled already, and as is typical in gardening, had a frantic change of plans.  I expanded another smaller bed out front to double its size, then created a new bed out back for a kitchen salad garden.  I also mulched the expanded herb garden.  Pretty soon the whole yard will be dug up!  Victory Gardens!

Meanwhile, flowers continue to bloom, as if all is right with the world.


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