I mean, literally, the panic vultures have descended upon every roll of TP anywhere, even with store limits imposed at places like Kroger and Target. Then they proceeded on to the tissues, and anything remotely hygiene-related, so there’s little or nothing left for the rest of us. Then on to random foodstuffs. Of course not the healthy produce, but rather the meats and filler foods like bread. I saw one woman sweeping all the remaining cheap ramen cases into her cart. It’s starting to look like Soviet Russia, aisles of bare shelves. People were rolling their eyes at each other at the sheer lunacy.
As we checked out, the guy said they could barely unload the trucks before customers were mobbing them. A manager informed employees they’d be closing the store early–stock was running out. At Lowes, there weren’t enough employees at work to assist customers with heavy items. Fortunately I’m still healthy enough to help myself.
And this is just in stores. Hospitals, airports, public venues, everywhere, personnel are overloaded, understaffed, undersupplied, and overwhelmed, while the virus is being transmitted exponentially. The trump admin. is basically doing nothing to alleviate the situation, just spreading vile propaganda and ignorance. Half the people you run into just think it’s some liberal conspiracy as usual, and take no precautions. There’s no excuse for such lack of/ obstruction of leadership in such a serious world crisis.
Ok, ranted out for now, back to our usual bland programming porridge. You’ll be happy to know there’s still the great outdoors, relatively germ-free, remember that? Speaking of which, back out I go.