Hoeing While America Dies

If you have to endure a pandemic, it may as well be in spring!  Even more excuse to spend time outside, which is what I’m doing.  Redbuds are in bloom, dogwoods soon, trees are leafing out, flowers are budding and blooming, and I’m busily hoeing–garden beds, that is!

Yesterday I planted my “salad bar” out back with all kinds of lettuces and greens, plus a little more of the main veg bed.  Today I continued to clean up the bed along the side fence, to be planted with flowers and later veggies.  I also transplanted some herbs from inside.  Meanwhile, E continues to work on the bathroom, and learn new recipes.

It’s surreal, otherworldly even, enjoying spring (nervously) in our little quarantine, while thousands are dying all around us, and others are just blithely and stupidly going about their business, spurred on by our lost-boy-in-chief.  Very strange times.  I can’t imagine what history will make of us.



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