If there was ever any doubt that our madman-in-chief is delusional and self-serving, it has to be obvious by now. Yet somehow his ratings go up?! Apparently that’s what people look for in a president–a psychopath.
The death toll is rising drastically, desperately needed medical equipment and facilities are not forthcoming, the virus is obviously spreading everywhere, but without the testing to provide accurate stats, and all our president can think of is how the resulting crashing economy affects his own re-election, and getting back to “normal” fast. Total denial. How can someone this dangerous and incompetent be allowed to remain in charge? I just don’t get it. At some point all the states and private sector just struggle forward without him to produce medical necessities.
I myself almost panicked this morning, as my computer had a mysterious dysfunction and wouldn’t let me connect, but it’s back up. It’s my only real connection to the outside world right now, since I’m not much of a smartphone user. There’s some weird stuff going on out there during this breakdown of everything we take for granted.
One thing that continues to function dependably is spring in all its flowering. For a moment there I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do my little photo editing routine, but I’m back. Here are: my fence bed preps, indoor tomato seedlings, maple wings, a violet, azaleas, perennials, and a unique mushroom growing in a peat pot.