Into the Fray

Well, we took our lives in our hands early this morning, donned our hazmat outfits (masks and gloves), armed ourselves with antibacterial wipes, and entered the danger zone (Kroger) for supplies.  I was pleasantly surprised by others (though not all) wearing masks and keeping their distance.  But unsurprisingly, we again found all toilet paper, disinfectants, wipes, etc. completely decimated.  No accounting for ignorance.  The employees were tired but trying hard to stay upbeat and avoid conflicts.

We thoroughly decontaminated ourselves and all purchases, surfaces, clothing, etc. when we got home.  It’s a strange world out there.  I won’t deny we were nervous to venture out after weeks of sheltering at home.  Hopefully all our precautions paid off.  The numbers of deaths keep escalating by the thousands.

And now back to less menacing nature.

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