Keep Passing Over

It’s erev seder #2, featuring the usual pyramid construction materials, cheap wine, many leftovers, and…salmon!  (Frozen, but still.)  Thinking outside the pyramid!  One gets creative during a pandemic.  We’re not starving, unlike some, for which I’m thankful.

Somewhere nearby, the plague is taking its toll of stupid peasants and their innocent victims.  This sadist-in-chief needs to go.  Where’s real justice when you need it?  I have to believe it will catch up with him soon.

Still, nature unconcernedly proceeds in rainbow colors.  Early this morning I caught the blush-yellow supermoon just setting behind the treetops.  My camera couldn’t do it justice.  The lavender and yellow irises have multiplied since yesterday.  There are more than enough flowers for bouquets to keep some of the melancholy at bay.


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