Cannonball Special

Between all the matzah this and matzah that, I feel like a ton of cannonballs are piled up in my nether region.  Plus the constant news dirge is a real drag, too.  Thus I’ve finally dragged myself to my blahg to catch up.

Here is the supermoon setting the other morning.  And here are some of my famous (no two alike) radish flowers, and our erev meal yesterday, complete with matzah cannonballs.  Not bad for a siege.

Outside, flowers are going crazier.  It was actually cold and frosty this morning, but now back to pleasant and sunny, which means we’re about to get a scary weather front across the south, featuring lots of rain, wind, and possibly worse things.  Time to batten down again.  But we’re already doing that.  When it’s over, I’ll plant all the rest of my warm weather veggies and flowers.

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