Freedom of Stupidity

Is Freedom of Stupidity in the Constitution?  Those morons out protesting the lockdown, with assault weapons and trump signs–seriously, we’ve come to this?  They want the freedom to die of a deadly virus, and pass it on to all the rest of us while they’re at it.  That’s the kind of inspiring “leadership” we have, modeling destructive, selfish behavior.  It feels like rational people are on their own, surviving any way they can, with whatever help they can scrape together.  OK, I’ve said my piece.

Yesterday we got to have another pleasant conversation (outside, six feet away, with a fence between us) with our nice new neighbor.  She seems pretty aware and informed of the current situation, unlike so many around here.  We talked gardening and home maintenance, interests we share, as well as adapting to the new normal.  They seem very keen on making this their permanent home, and fixing it up, which makes their landlord (and us) happy.  It’s so unusual and therapeutic to get to speak to outside people these days.

Tonight I’m looking forward to drinking some real booze again, as Pesach ends.  Ravens are outside my office window gobbling up stale matzah–I hope they don’t end up belly up.  If nothing else, it makes good mulch.

And now back to pretty flowers.



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