Into the Danger Zone

Today we did one of our semi-monthly missions into the danger zone of Kroger.  Of course we had our “armor” on, and I was glad to see many others did, too, and were maintaining distance.  I was also astounded to observe a mountain of TP!  It’s been a while since I’ve gazed upon such a sight!  IKR?  There were still some major shortages of other necessities, but it seems some restocking is finally happening.  We also noticed many new hires.  Lately this is one of our only glimpses of other humans, which is pretty sad.  I just hope people will be smart and keep up the precautions, despite the crap our conspirator-in-chief and accomplices keep spewing.

We watched the quarantine episode of SNL hosted by Tom Hanks (who has survived the virus), and featuring many of the regulars doing remote sketches from home.  Only in a severe crisis like this could such an unheard of event take place.  It was oddly reassuring to see celebs spoofing much the same strange and awkward situations many of us find ourselves in, and finding the humor in it.  It was also sad to see their tribute to their professional and family members who have died of COVID-19.

In other boring quarantine news, some of my favorite flowers are coming into bloom–multi-colored irises, bleeding hearts, and assorted columbines.  If I seem redundant, it’s because one can never get tired of these masterpieces of nature, surpassing what human engineers and artists can even conceive of.  Although if someone could come up with the COVID-19 vaccine, that would be pretty impressive.



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