
Our little “prairie” is officially a micro-forest-in-the-making.  There are so many native trees coming up, I’m going to have to cull some, but they’ll all find a suitable home around here somewhere.  It’s not as if we don’t have the space.  I may not live to see the forest, but at least I’ve got free trees!  Nature just needed a little time and patience to start restoring order. Even this caterpillar, perhaps considered to be a “bad” sort, is busy playing a part, whatever that is.

In addition, it looks like almost all the native wildflowers I planted in the field last year are starting to come up!  I’m especially happy about all the various milkweed species for attracting pollinators.  Plus a lot of volunteers like goldenrod appear to be taking over.  Between those, and the native grasses, they may eventually crowd out the invasive honeysuckle vines.  It’s gratifying working with, not against, nature, and seeing the effort pay off.

My evil plan to lure ravens ever closer in is working.  I’m taking raven language lessons from them, which perplexes them no end!  I’m probably insulting their mother.  One day I’ll get it right.  Braak Nevermore!

Here are more perennials putting on a show.


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