It’s 80º out! It feels like summer. So I decided to transfer my tomato, eggplant, and pepper seedlings to the back porch to acclimate. Pretty soon I’ll transplant them to the garden, and direct-seed the rest of my veggies and flowers as well. I notice more people are suddenly discovering grow-your-own-veggies for the first time! I guess sometimes it takes a deadly pandemic (or war) to return to basic survival skills.

I was gratified to find more native wildflower seedlings and trees coming up, some for the first time, out in the field. Not much is blooming out there yet, just perennials around the house. I was excited to see the first bearded iris of the season blooming, a lovely pale yellow. Lots more to follow.

I just want to say to anyone bored enough to be reading this, try not to get too discouraged or hopeless. Part of the reason I keep this journal is to chronicle our attempt to maintain some semblance of normal, healthy life during this traumatic time. Getting outside is very hygienic as well as therapeutic, if you are able to do it. It reminds you that the natural world, though sometimes destructive, goes on living and breathing, as will we if we continue to stay home and stay safe for the sake of all of us. One day this too will be behind us. Hopefully we will retain the lessons learned and incorporate them into our lives.
I’m also trying to psyche myself up for tomorrow, when we must leave our quarantine to pick up necessities. You take your life in your hands, literally, just going to the store. We’ll wear face masks, gloves, and disinfect ourselves and everything. We’ve made it this far, I’d hate to get sick now. I’ll let you know how that goes.