Lockdown Industry

It’s a sunny, breezy 80° day.  A hawk just swooped past my window.  Rabbits are multiplying out in a field of wildflowers.  So are veggies in my garden.  I planted more of the eggplant and pepper transplants, and set out more herb seedlings to harden off–two kinds of basil, two kinds of parsley, and dill.

New flowers are blooming each day, including snapdragons and columbines.

E is learning to cook another English classic–bread-and-butter pudding, similar to spotted dick, but I can’t say that here!

She finished repairing the newly installed sink/vanity, and now we have all kinds of bathroom storage space.

Yes, we have some time on our hands, here in lockdown.  Meanwhile, Misu is perfecting the art of slouching and flopping in every conceivable pose.  Here are just a few.

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