All I can say is, history will be making a lot of hindsight 2020 jokes, not that it’s funny. People will look back at this period in utter disbelief that a president and his mob could plunge this country so far back into medieval times. We already have plague-deniers. Sometimes words fail.
We’re back in a cold snap, but not quite freezing. My “salad bar” (lettuces and greens bed) is perking right up. I predict a first salad in our near future. Misu even got under the covers last night, and this morning she spent some time between the sunny window and my warm laptop. She knows how to live in a lockdown.
The ravens are getting more used to me (i.e. all the leftovers), so the photos are moving in closer, though still not there yet. This raven was indignantly informing me to get the hell away from its food.
Happily, my “cottage garden” is getting more “cottagey” by the day. Every morning it surprises me with more flowers I forgot I had planted. Or did I? This quarantine situation is forcing me to use existing plants more creatively around the garden, since I can’t just go out and buy some. Much like nature herself works resourcefully with what she’s got on hand.
Here’s what Misu thinks of all the above (yawn).