If you’ve been following me since Ohio, you may remember the infamous (T)horny Badlands at Charleston Falls Preserve. At that time, I had the idea of creating Thorny Badlands the Annex in Tennessee, and here it is at last, the official—Thorny Badlands II. I should cut a ribbon and drink. Or probably just drink.
What is so Thorny (or horny) about our Badlands, you may or may not ask? There are lots of blackberry bushes (with the white flowers) being fruitful (hopefully) and multiplying all over the field. As for Badlands, it just sounds cool. So there you have it.
Unrelated, these golden flowers are blooming out there, and I got closer to a raven. Also, E baked these nice challot.
The sign is courtesy of E, who also made me others, to be unveiled soon.