Critter Dramedy, with Anchovies

We couldn’t believe our eyes.  A raven was in the veg garden, brazenly pulling up a large veg tag, and flying off with it!  Ravens routinely pull up all my labels, but usually leave them there.  What could it want with a veg label?  The raven landed on a nearby fence with the tag in its mouth and just sat there, as I indignantly stalked after it like Farmer McGregor, demanding it drop it!  After eyeing me for a moment, it finally did, with a “braak nevermore” attitude.  Seriously.  Sorry I couldn’t video it, it was hilarious.

Soon after, I discovered what I think is a small tree frog on the back porch table, amongst my seedlings.  It sounds routine, but it was the first one I’ve found near the house, so I was excited.  I liberated it to a shady, damp part of the garden.  While I’m on herping (herpetology, the study of amphibians and reptiles, not an STD), skinks (lizards) have begun their seasonal basking.

Also, chipmunks have discovered the “cat TV” birdseed saucer, which has Misu quite agitated.

Totally unrelated, E upgraded my Thorny Badlands sign to a taller post, so now you can see it.

Also she made this excellent everything pizza from scratch, dough and all.  I mean even anchovies, because we’re cool like that.

Yes, this is a really random post.  Deal with it.  Happy m-day to me.



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