This post’s for all you “kids” without a mother for whatever reason, whether it’s a toxic relationship of abuse, neglect, abandonment, homophobia, etc., or literal loss through dementia, disease (mental or physical), or death. I have first and second-hand experience with kids of maternal loss, and so do many of you. For you, it’s not the warm, fuzzy day that the m-day industry would have you buy into.
I know it doesn’t help to know you’re in good company, but don’t feel like you’re a lone exception or alone. I believe the exceptions are those who have experienced healthy, unconditional parental love. It’s rare. Also random. You can’t earn it or buy it, by definition. Humans could learn a lot from their “lower” animal relatives. (Not the ones who abandon or eat their kids, though.)
I myself have not been the epitome of motherly fitness, as my son could corroborate! I sucked! To this day, however clumsily or ineptly, I keep trying to make up for all the lost, misspent time, knowing I can never make it completely right. Thankfully, I have a very patient, forgiving son, whom I love (dare I say unconditionally?) very much. As far as I’m concerned, he can do no wrong! I am unanimous in that. It’s an unbiased fact!
So for all you kids of Mothers out there, these flowers are for you. Sorry they’re so virtual. We’re in plague mode, after all. Still, heartfelt. I hope you get to spend the day (or lockdown) with someone who gets you, whether by blood or by choice.