Stranger Times

Yesterday, mother’s day, for us was pretty much like any day, for E sad and empty because her mother has removed herself from the picture, for me pretty much just lockdown as usual.  My mother, the demented zombie, may or may not remember I called or sent a gift.  My son and I played phone tag for a while, and he did reach me through voicemail, messaging, and video from St. Louis, where he’s been sheltering in place (and working from home) for months.  I know he’s OK, and hopefully one day we’ll meet again!  I miss him, but I know it has to be this way.

These are strange times, when families are distancing and separated by a deadly disease, not by choice but by necessity, for mutual protection.  What’s stranger to me is that somewhere nearby, families were no doubt ignoring the danger and just going out to celebrate as if everything was back to normal because their corrupt “leaders” said so.  Whatever happened to the concept of actual leaders who serve their people during national emergencies, not just themselves?

I’d rather have an uneventful, safe M-day, myself, so I can stay alive and healthy long enough to go vote these degenerates out of office.  They’ve made it purposely complicated to impossible to vote by mail for COVID reasons in this state, so we’ll take our chances in August and finally in November (or whenever they reschedule the General) to vote in person at our local polling location, which tends to be empty.  The early voting locations were mob scenes last time, so also not as safe.

Enough about that.  Today was mowing day.  I was happy to find this spectacular poppy in bloom.


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