Just a Matter of Time

Just after I said “Give it time” and pictured groundhogs in the salad bar, guess what appeared in the field outside my window?  One big groundhog!  (It wasn’t close enough to take its picture.)  So add that to the critter list.  It’s just a matter of time…

Meanwhile, since I mentioned chipmunks, they’ve already become tamer.  I managed to sneak up on one right outside Misu’s “TV” window, gorging obliviously on bird seed.  (Since then I washed the windows.)  Also a squirrel.

Best of all, the ravens were all lined up on the fence, just hanging around waiting for me to bring the next course, so I walked right up to them and caught these shots!  It’s the closest I’ve come yet.  (They’re practicing social distancing, which is smart.)


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