Going Quasi-Native

It’s headed for 85º, and flora and fauna are busting out of every crevice.  Bees are hard at work, covered with pollen.  Birds are cavorting.  Lizards are a-slitherin’ underfoot.

On one of my little “explores”, I followed a cloying sweet fragrance to masses of these white flowers, whose evil invasive ID I can’t reveal.  It does create a pleasant flowery bower behind the shed, so I’m leaving it, not fighting it.

While exploring, a couple of hawks were soaring high above the trees.  Here’s one.  Below, a large groundhog was pruning.  Sorry about the poor quality, my camera doesn’t zoom well.

I’ve decided to just live with nature, and let her sort it all out as she always eventually does.  I’ll do my part, but I’m getting too old to singlehandedly undo centuries of human environmental damage.  I’m OK with being an equal opportunity grower for the most part, while introducing more natives as able, and managing what’s here as wisely as I can within my means.  The fauna seem to approve, so I must be doing something right.

Right now my priority is to try to stay alive while reckless humans are out spreading a deadly pandemic around and killing each other off, Darwin-style.  While I’m waiting, my mission is to let this barren blank slate revert to a more natural wooded state, with some help.  Also to enjoy a nice “herby” beer and this fine homemade pizza by E.  Keeping it simple.

So as I was saying, here are more flowers gone wild.




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