Here on the stupid planet, where people loudly demand their right to spread and die of COVID-19 (invisible, therefore nonexistent, unlike their “god”), many of them will get their wish, and Memorial Day weekend will take on a whole new meaning. R.I.P., y’all.
The right to be like a selfish child, modeled by our infant-in chief, is not the “freedom” our military died for. You can make it through one Memorial Day without the luxury of jamming into a crowded pool or venue full of deadly contagion. But that’s just my silly take; you have the “right” to be reckless with lives.
On the brighter side, wildflowers and wildlife continue to run riot. The rental wren (“wrental?”) nest up in the back porch has its latest batch of newborn hatchlings. I’m working on a photo without disturbing them.
Instead, here is an ubiquitous raven quothing “braak nevermore” [“feed me!”].
And a decadent cat in her usual upside-down position on her windowsill, demonstrating how it’s done.
And of course what’s a blahgpost from me without more flowers? (No, you’re not seeing double, but maybe I am!)