Illusion of Normality

It’s about 88º, feels like 90-something.  We got out early and mowed the acreage.  E expanded the “prairie” area farther up the hill, another step toward reducing lawn.  I did some garden maintenance.  Lizards were scampering around in the hot sun.

Then I took the obligatory photos, including a wren parent on the porch!  Also what I think is a red paper wasp.  And the first of many marigold flowers.  By the way, once you have marigolds, you never have to buy seeds again!  They reseed everywhere.  Same with multi-colored sweet williams (a Dianthus), bachelor’s buttons (Centaurea), and  poppies, once they’re established.

Now E is making breads, apparently a common new pastime during the pandemic, since we want to avoid stores.  More on that later.

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