Just after I posted about the fallen wrenling and the frantic parents, baby wren bodies started flopping out at me from the nest and jumping off the porch to an uncertain fate! No wonder wren parents go crazy. As fast as I could retrieve and replace them in the nest, they would jump out and lie there stunned on their backs.
Meanwhile the wren pair are flitting around all distraught and wing-wringing, trying to locate all their babies. It’s harrowing. But I guess that’s what they’re supposed to do. Once the fledglings leave the nest, the parents feed them bugs for a little while longer, then just set up shop all over again and have a new batch. Isn’t nature grand?
I managed to get some fairly clear closeups of some of the little dive-bombers, and an overwrought parent. There must have been a whole flock in that tiny space!