And by torrential downpour, I mean literally a river of whitewater rapids rushing down the garden along the fence. It was jaw-dropping. Some empty pond liners were almost filled in just those few minutes. No damage done, though. The greens actually doubled in size overnight.
This wascally wabbit was caught in the act of exploring the veg garden, and making its getaway.
Happily, it doesn’t seem to have discovered my snow peas, which are finally pea-ing!
But I saved the best for last. This young groundhog sauntered across the field, under the fence, and actually strolled onto the front porch, where it casually took a look around, then finally ambled off across the field again. Isn’t s/he photogenic? I got so many good photos, I had to eliminate most of them. The natives are really taking over, which is my evil plan!