Safe Space in Real Time

It’s a breathtaking moment in history, when we simultaneously witness a deadly global pandemic, angry rioting across the country over violent racism, and above the earth in real time, the historic successful docking of the SpaceX Crew Dragon with the International Space Station.  It’s a mind-boggling juncture.  I’m sure it’s not lost on the crew that earth’s atmosphere is about the only safe place to be right now.

Meanwhile down here on the ground, less earth-shattering life continues to unfold, literally in the case of these flowers.  The palette of bird colors almost rivals that of the new flowers that keep showing up.  Watching the fascinating procession of wildlife just outside my window, I can almost (not quite) forget the outrageous horrors parading across our screens.  Plus live-streaming nature (a.k.a. IMAX for cats) is free.



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