My evil varmint plan is working! All manner of critters are moving in, literally.
This morning I liberated the infamous mouse in the closet from its live trap into the field. It and I were both relieved.
The raven gang has definitely taken over, like a scene from “The Birds”. They enjoy digging up the garden beds, and lurking overhead in trees scolding me when I dare to appear. “Feed us, dammit!!”
Yesterday evening I heard a loud raven commotion out in the front yard, and spotted them heckling the “kipah skunk”, who was nosing around in their territory. I love that skunk.
The other day E watched them bothering a rabbit, who then turned on them and chased them back! We have some feisty rabbits. The ravens often chase a hawk through the trees. They’re like hoodlums.
The squirrels are getting so blasé about my presence, they don’t even stop eating the birdseed to run away. Even a chipmunk was stuffing itself in the seed saucer, ignoring Misu and me. I managed to capture a not very clear photo of one just sitting on the porch, unusual for a chipmunk.
The bird diversity here is increasing dramatically, including raptors. Many evenings we hear an owl in a tree right outside our window. We keep sighting new types of woodpeckers. The bright blue flashes of bluebirds are common.
I’m hoping to attract more reptiles and amphibians to the property, as I restore it to more of a woodland environment. It’s a challenge, but I have to be patient and allow nature to recover in its own time.
When I start catching more critters hanging out in the “prairie”, my evil plan will be complete. I inaugurated the migration with our liberated mouse. They were here first and they deserve to feel at home here.
Accordingly, I try to introduce more native plants, which provide the essential foundation for a balanced, diverse natural habitat. I’m somewhat limited right now, given the pandemic, so I’m working with what I have, which includes non-native perennials and biennials. Thus all the flower photos. I do love poppies.
Last but not least, we had our first official salad of the season yesterday. So far the varmints are leaving the “salad bar” alone, but give it time.