I’m not a big zombie apocalypse fan, so this dream I had must be indicative of the stressful times we’re going through. I was in a city full of people, most of whom were in very early zombie stages. They still appeared mostly human and normally dressed, so it was hard to tell who was infected and dangerous, except by their confused or aggressive behavior. Some of them could be distracted by objects like ropes, but the more advanced cases would grab the rope and try to tie you up and attack you. You could still travel by car or public transportation, but it was very risky just to exit the vehicle, because the zombies were swarming and stalking anyone. Sound familiar?
On that cheery note, I woke up and noticed the bunnies cavorting and chasing each other around my veg garden, so I went out to run them off. Only, Misu was lurking, and managed to escape out the door this time. It was a scary few moments, trying to catch her before she ran off and got eaten, or contacted infected neighbors. Somehow I managed to grab her and get her back inside. I’m particularly concerned, because her cousin Zak, my granddaughter’s cat of many years, just ran off and probably got eaten by coyotes. And then Misu tried same. She almost gave me a heart attack! She’s such a big part of our life.
Here are some therapy flowers with bees, interspersed with therapy cat portraits.