Coronazombies and Escape Artists

I’m not a big zombie apocalypse fan, so this dream I had must be indicative of the stressful times we’re going through.  I was in a city full of people, most of whom were in very early zombie stages.  They still appeared mostly human and normally dressed, so it was hard to tell who was infected and dangerous, except by their confused or aggressive behavior.  Some of them could be distracted by objects like ropes, but the more advanced cases would grab the rope and try to tie you up and attack you.  You could still travel by car or public transportation, but it was very risky just to exit the vehicle, because the zombies were swarming and stalking anyone.  Sound familiar?

On that cheery note, I woke up and noticed the bunnies cavorting and chasing each other around my veg garden, so I went out to run them off.  Only, Misu was lurking, and managed to escape out the door this time.  It was a scary few moments, trying to catch her before she ran off and got eaten, or contacted infected neighbors.  Somehow I managed to grab her and get her back inside.  I’m particularly concerned, because her cousin Zak, my granddaughter’s cat of many years, just ran off and probably got eaten by coyotes.  And then Misu tried same.  She almost gave me a heart attack!  She’s such a big part of our life.

Here are some therapy flowers with bees, interspersed with therapy cat portraits.






Stuck on Sauna

The weather seems to be stuck at the t-storms and sauna position, which is not a bad thing for the plants and wildlife.  It’s an explosion of color, pollinators, new veggies, and herds of chipmunks running around.  Misu always has plenty of critter action to watch from her perches.  They’ve gotten so blasé about her presence, they just keep eating.

I made this pasta e fagioli with cranberry beans, and fresh pole beans, greens, and herbs from the garden, etc.  It turned out pretty nicely.

Check out all these flowers and bees!  I’m still waiting for butterflies and hummers to show up.  Apparently I’m not alone; many observers in various states have noticed a scarcity of them so far this year.  Hopefully they’ll find their way here soon.


Under Pressure

It’s been windy and raining off and on for days, which is a welcome relief for the garden.  Maybe my struggling veggies will get ahead of the varmints chomping on them.  One cornstalk actually has a tassel.  I had to prune a big bouquet of flowers out of the overgrown perennials; not a bad problem to have.  Although the poor lone sunflower couldn’t take the pressure and got bent over backwards.

Yesterday I got to have a video visit with the grandkids who are staying with my son for the summer.  Not quite the same as being there, but still fun.  They keep getting older and taller!  I’m so glad their father is diligent about protecting them all during the pandemic.  Maybe we’ll all live to reunite one day.  Unfortunately his only car just died, so on top of tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of major home repairs and ensuing debt, he has no transportation in case of emergency.  These are difficult times for sure.


Coronaveggies: the new victory veggies.  I may or may not have coined it.  Anyway, overnight, things decided to start popping out, like both kinds of zucchini, yellow summer squash, tiny green tomatoes (not pictured), and yet more purple and green pole beans.  There are also volunteers from last year’s seed, like the white/red okra flower.  And the usual array of flower colors.  We also have a kitty in a bag of paper recycle, and watching “cat TV” from her window seat.

Deserted Island in a Viral Sea

Sometimes it feels like we’re stranded on a deserted island in a sea of COVID seekers.  Some of the photos of wall-to-wall bodies on beaches and in venues are unbelievable.  Total denial.  If innocent people weren’t affected, I’d say y’all go for it, pursue your right to die of virus exposure, reduce the moron population, starting with your idiot-in-chief.  But we all suffer from your stupidity.  It won’t kill you to wear a mask, but it will kill you or others if you don’t.  ’nuff said.

At least we have the basic necessities we need on our island, as well as the luxury of swarms of flowers and pollinators.  Half of our erev meal today consisted of greens and veggies from the garden.  It sucks that we have to risk dying just to restock on staples occasionally, but so far so good.  I’m sad I won’t be able to spend my son’s 40th birthday with him, or see my visiting grandkids, but everyone’s survival is at stake, so I make the best of a difficult situation.

Just look at these mobs of flowers!  It’s the kind of mob I can live with (not die of).

The Expanding Garden

Just this one PSA and then I’ll get back to the garden.

On the off chance anyone is reading this, PLEASE think before deciding you’re done with coronavirus, because it’s definitely not done with us.  In fact it’s getting worse since states are opening up, and more young people are getting it, with severe complications.  You can’t just take your chances and hope for immunity, it doesn’t work like that.  Our infant-in-chief is a selfish moron, but we don’t have to sink to his level.  The more we mask and distance, the sooner we can all get back to work and to our families and friends.  This is not a joke.  Thank you.  And now back to our regular program.

I keep harvesting piles of these purple pole beans, and now the green ones have begun.  (They all cook up green.)  The yellow rows are flowering pumpkin plants from seed I saved from Ohio pumpkins I grew here.  So far no actual fruits, but I can wait.

I’ve been expanding and improving garden beds, because running out of room, plus lawns suck.  I’m continuing to germinate new veg, herb, and flower seedlings to transplant.

The one lone sunflower keeps expanding.  The balloon flowers and zinnias are happier this year.


Seriously Summer

Today’s flower dose is a summery golden yellow theme, including this one tall sunflower that the varmints left alone, opening in the morning sun.  And this alien freak black-eyed susan just keeps getting weirder.  My zucchinis are blooming like crazy, though still not much zuke action.  The tomatoes are just now starting to form tiny green tomatoes.

I’ve been germinating and planting new veggies and herbs to replace ones I’ve lost.  It’s like a steamy sauna after all the rain, so maybe that will help.  Since we’re going nowhere during this plague, might as well keep busy trying to grow food and beautify our surroundings.  If nothing else, the new baby wascally wabbits seem to be enjoying the accommodations.





Another Day of Stayin’ Alive

Here at the homestead, bunnies are a-breedin’, skinks are a-skankin’, and bees are a-boozin’–and you thought we were boring here.  A first baby yellow squash appeared, which is a big deal when you have toxic southern clay.  The world outside continues to pretend it’s not melting down.  It’s pretty hot here, too, but it’s the kind of heat flowers and critters thrive in.  We made it alive another day, so that’s something.  And there are flowers.

Here is your daily dose.  (Some of these flower centers, shaped like a cylinder or disk of tiny florets, are adorable!)



Fun With Science

After much prep, E’s first loaves of homemade sourdough bread were a success.  They rose nicely, and smelled and tasted like proper sourdough.  “Cleopatra” now resides in the fridge, to be fed once a week and used whenever yeast is called for.  It’s like a real bakery around here.

Look at this alien freak black-eyed susan!  It’s oblong.  The tall sunflower (one of the few not eaten by rabbits) is going to open soon.  Other bird/bee/butterfly-friendly flowers continue to draw pollinators.  The latest opener is a red zinnia (last photo).