If the engrained racism in our society is finally exposed in all its ugliness and dehumanization as a result of this final straw (the murders of innocent black people by white cops), then some good will have come of it, even at such a cost. Same goes for the criminal behavior of trump and co. Eventually the wrongness and outrage have to reach a tipping point where it’s no longer tolerable. It’s baffling that it’s taken so long.
Not coincidentally, these are the same deniers who are spreading COVID-19 and adding to the death toll. It all boils down to our psychopath-in-chief fueling hate and chaos, aided by his sycophantic zombies. Hopefully enough slavish idiots will die to tip the scales toward survival of the compassionate.
And now back to more natural subjects. This skink was basking on the back porch this morning. And this cat was lounging on her new shelf under the cookbooks. The bright orange butterflyweed (a milkweed) finally started to open for business! And drifts of colorful wildflowers and perennials are spreading around the house and “prairie”.